Friday, April 13, 2018


Today's weather is just fantastic. At the beginning of the week it was freezing, and we had snow on the ground.  Today, I have the window's open and writing this looking outside to the grass that is finally turning green. Dylan is already napping (It's 10:50 am). She woke up at 6 in the morning and was definitely ready to go to sleep by 10.  There is a high of 75 degrees and it is already 65 degrees outside. Yesterday was the same way. It was beautiful out. We had a nice time playing outside before and after dinner. Charlotte and Caitlyn played with Hadlee Jo. I look forward to the summer when that will be a regular thing. Dylan even went out and walked around with no shoes on for a while. Courtney and I went for a walk around the block with the girls. I hope we can make that a regular thing too. I enjoy it. 

I think a little sunshine makes everyone happy. 

It's so nice out - I am going to go buy me some flip flops later! Mine broke at the very end of the summer last year, so I need to get more. 

I hate to say that it will be raining all weekend and back to the thirties on Monday.

Caitlyn had a dentist appointment yesterday. Her teeth look good. No cavities but she needs to work on brushing a little better. 

* - * - *- * - * - * - * - * 

It's funny to me how quickly life goes by.  How just in the blink of an eye we almost have a middle schooler, a first grader and a toddler. Being their mom has completed me in ways I don't even know how to explain. My love for them is something else. They are the literal reason I breathe and wake every morning (mostly because one of them wakes me up .. HA). 

I hope someday they can understand and feel the love I have for them.

Until then, I'll just keep smothering them with my love and affection. <3 

At the dentist yesterday.

This morning on the way to the bus.


Monday, April 9, 2018


A one year old's sleep schedule, is so exhausting. 

Last night Dylan slept from 8:30-10. I am pretty sure she has an alarm on her that goes off when I am about to fall asleep. I rocked her and loved her back to sleep at 10. She then slept straight 5 hours until 3 am. Which was wonderful, but after that.. after those five glorious hours, she was awake. I tried everything I could think of to get her back to sleep. She has a bit of a cold (allergies maybe, we are unsure.)  She was snotting all over me, and coughing so I decided to let her come to our bed (bad move, mom. Bad move.) She tossed and turned and coughed, and tossed and turned and coughed. I got her some water, and then for some reason she decided she needed to cuddle her sippy cup. Why? Why do one year old's think about the most random things, like it's 3:30 am - I should cuddle this cup and scream at my mom every time she takes it away. 

Then, the best thing ever happened. She started coughing and threw up all over me. 


Then, we went back to fighting over the sippy cup. 

She did not go back to sleep until 5:30 am, We get up at 7 to take the girls to school. She is currently still asleep at 8 am. I am jealous, I want to be asleep. 

I think I should have also put in my introduction that I am addicted to naps, and sleep.

Also, it is April 9th and this is what it looks like outside. 

I think we are skipping spring this year. 

Jesse thinks we can go camping in a month. (ha!) If it is still like this, I do not see that happening.


Saturday, April 7, 2018


I hate these introduction post's. Mostly because I will be the only one who reads this. 

I love to paper journal, but I just never do it. I never find the time to sit down and just write. Jesse (that's my super awesome husband) bought me a laptop for Christmas, so I thought why not just write in a blog. I just want my kids to be able to read it later in life, so that I will need to figure out later. How to make sure they see this.

So, here I am - Elizabeth, mom of three, wife to one. I am thirty something years old (ok, thirty two). I am literally still trying to figure out who I am. My life revolves around my children.  I have found lately that I might be an introvert. That is something I need to work on. I am a nerd. I love to read and that is also something I do not take the time to do. I read one book last year, one. This year I hope to read two books. (Ha! It is already April, so I should get on that.) I like to do artistic things, but I am not an artist. Last year we painted rocks and hid them around the city. I think the girls and I will do that again this year.  I joined the PTO for the middle daughters school. I enjoy my time helping with her school, and her class room. Coffee & Coca Cola are my life. Which is definitely a reminder that I should drink more water. 

Little things in life that I love Unicorns, Harry Potter, Grey's Anatomy (Which I only started last year - I was WAY late to the game), Snow globes, & Rainbows. 

I really love my girls. I might be obsessed with my children, and for that I am not sorry.

Our oldest Nerd - Caitlyn. She is our introvert who loves to read. She would rather spend her time in her room than doing anything else. She plays soccer and does dance. Last year was her first year of dance and she really has grown SO much in the two years she has participated. She will be in middle school next year and that is so hard to believe. 

Now, I should write (and again, I'm pretty sure I'll be the only one to read this oh well..) I did not give birth to this one. She was by far my easiest labor (LOL). She is my bonus baby, but the first one to steal my heart.  

Her favorite color lately is black. She loves Stranger Things, Harry Potter and IT. 

Our middle - Charlotte. She is our wild one. She loves all things space. She currently (in Kindergarten) wants to be an astronaut when she grows up. I hope she keeps these dreams. She loves Minecraft, Youtube, Unicorns, & Shopkins. She does NOT deal well with change. That is something we have had to work really hard on over the last year. She also plays soccer and does dance. 

Opinionated is not even the right word for her. I hate using bossy because I want her to be a leader one day, but man is she bossy. I truly believe she was always meant to be our middle child. We have worked really hard with her also on yelling when she doesn't get her way and being rude. 

She is something else though. When you get past that moody layer she is sweet, smart, and so loving. She cares so much about others and just really impresses me everyday. 

Our youngest - Dylan. She is the one we didn't know we were missing. She has completed our family in ways I cannot even explain. She is currently 14 months old. She loves puppies, elmo and reading books. She is a mama's girl, but also really love her daddy, papaw and nana's. 

She's funny. She loves to dance with her sisters in the living room and copy EVERYTHING they do. 

We are currently working on getting her to sleep in her own room. That is a process, but she is doing it slowly. 

I basically think she  might be perfect. 

Here is my nerd husband - Jesse. 

We have been together for eleven years, and married nine in August. He's everything to me. I had no idea when we started dating that this would be what my life would be like. 

You always have hopes and dreams that you will marry someone who is in love with you, takes care of you, treats you with respect and loves all the same things you do. Who will become your best friend in life. I got so lucky with him. He is all of that. My very very best friend. I enjoy spending time with him, being around him and raising our three girls together. It is the best life, I could ever live. 

He loves to fish, and be outdoors. He likes to go camping, kayaking, play video games, and also loves Harry Potter and nerd things like me. 

He coaches soccer for the oldest and will eventually move on to coaching the middle. He is the best dad, and puts all his effort and love into our girls... That might be the most attractive thing about him. Watching him be a dad to them. 

Well, there is the "introductions" into our little lives. 



Today's weather is just fantastic. At the beginning of the week it was freezing, and we had snow on the ground.  Today, I have the wi...